About us.


Hello my name is Jonathan Bleibdrey, I created "OurNaturalStateOfBeing", The good stuff and the bad stuff. Through art I was able to heal my own traumas, and tribulations with these 8 playful characters. And, through my journey of art I discovered who I truly was, how to heal myself, and how to play both sides.

Most of my life I felt stuck, felt like a failure going from job to job, never finding my true calling. But, I never gave up, I kept looking for that one thing I was supposed to be doing on this world. I knew I loved art, but never thought i could make it with this kind of career. I forged on, and by doing that, I found myself, who I truly am. The good, and the bad, and thats what OurNaturalState stands for. Finding who you truly are, through the process of art.

Im here to say to you; your not lost. You just havent found what you are looking for. 

Talk soon,
